7 Consideration in Choosing Domain Name

Last modified: March 24, 2021
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Small Title: 7 “DO I ?” question in Choosing Domain Name

Finding an available domain name can be daunting. Hundreds of millions of domain names have already been registered on the internet. That means your top, second, and third domain name options are likely to be taken.

Although you may have to make some concessions or be imaginative in order to find your ideal domain, there are 7 DO questions while getting ready with your website.

1. Do I need to go with .COM?

It depends on what kind of website you wish to create. Usually, Jagole clients will go with .COM as it could be viewed internationally. It is easy to remember and popular for sure. People usually go with .com while searching for the website. We do not recommend using .MY .NET .ORG, it cost extra charges as well.

2. Do I need KEYWORDS in domain name?

YES. It’s wise to use keywords in your domain name for the same purposes you should use them in your content. SEO benefits will help your site rank higher in search engine results, resulting in more traffic. Furthermore, keywords will assist potential visitors in better understanding the focus and niche of your website.

3. Do I need a generic word for my domain?

Yes. Visitors can search, recall, and share your business on the internet thanks to your domain name. It’s the cornerstone of the company’s identity. A generic domain name is one-of-a-kind and stands out from the crowd, while a generic domain name is mostly stuffed with keywords and difficult to recall.

Here’s how to come up with a more memorable domain name:

Make up new words. You should think up your own new terms that are catchy. That is just what Google, Yahoo and others have done.

Make use of words that already exist. A thesaurus will help you come up with interesting terms that match your brand.

4. Do I need to avoid using numbers?

YES. Your domain must consist of a single word or a collection of words. There should be no numbers. A domain name with a space or a number is difficult to communicate orally. It’s difficult to say whether a hyphen is needed and whether the numbers are written out as words or are numeric when hearing one of these domains.

Stay with the alphabet and avoid other characters, no matter how enticing.

5. Do I need to buy a domain by myself?

Usually, buying a domain is one of the steps to create a website but with Jagole, it’s a NO. In the Jagole VIP package, buying a domain is part of the package. You do not need to purchase a domain individually unless you want to, but you need to provide other details to us.

6. Do I need to set my domain with easy pronunciation?

YES. Your domain name can roll off the tip of your tongue as easily as it does off the tips of your fingers.

This makes it easier for users to spread the word about your domain name, as well as for you to share your site with friends and potential customers.

You can do the same thing about this as you did with the “spelling.”

Bear in mind that you would like your domain name to be conveniently passed around by you and others. Only if it’s simple to spell and simple to pronounce.

7. Do I need to have a long domain name?

NO. In general, the shorter the better when it comes to domain length. Most common name range is approximately 12 characters.

(In this case, popularity refers to the amount of web traffic a site receives.)

All of this evidence suggests that your domain name should be short and sweet.

Aim for 6 to 14 characters, and bear in mind that the shorter the better. Most possibly, the shorter domain names were already taken and sold for thousands ringgit a long time ago. Make it brandable if you can’t find something short.

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